Friday, August 2, 2013

Fettucini Alfredo

I decided to do fettucini alfredo because I love fettucini alfredo, and I wanted to know how to make it for when I'm on my own.

While I was making it, I learned that heavy cream is REALLY easy to burn. Also, it takes forever to boil water. I used two pot thingies. The bottom had water in it and the top had heavy whipping cream. The water starts to boil and when it does it sends heat up and doesn't burn so easily.

The recipe turned out really good, but it said it would make four servings, and it really made ten. My family thought it was good. They thought it was cool because none of them had ever made fettucini alfredo.

I think that I like it homemade better. I like things in general homemade because you know what's inside it and there aren't any acids or things you're not supposed to have.

Friday, July 19, 2013


A couple of days ago I watched Julie and Julia. It inspired me to do the same thing as Julie did with Julia Child's first cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Julie blogged about the recipes and how they turned out. She had a deadline for finishing the recipes in the cookbook She gave her self 365 days (or one year) and 524 recipes. I am going to the same thing with The Kid's Cookbook. Each week, I am going to do two recipes and then I will write about them. I think that it will teach me how to cook better.